#1 position for Vicair Hero Jurgen Boon on new World Ranking list for golfers with disabilities

#1 position for Vicair Hero Jurgen Boon on new World Ranking list for golfers with disabilities

On January 1st 2019 a number of new global ranking lists for golfers with disabilities have been launched by R&A and USGA. An important step towards inclusion of golfers with disabilities within the ‘Golf world’ in general, that could (hopefully) also pave the way to making golf a Paralympic sports.

Duncan Weir, Executive Director – Golf Development and Amateur Events at The R&A, said, “There is an accelerating growth in the number of events around the world for golfers with disabilities to compete in so it makes absolute sense that there is a global ranking to provide a robust measurement of an individual’s skill and ability.

Jurgen Boon Vicair sponsoring“It is another important step towards ensuring that golf is more inclusive of people of all ages and abilities. Along with our colleagues at the USGA we will continue to support EDGA’s drive to grow participation and competition in the sport among all disability groups.”

We are proud to announce that Vicair Hero & Paragolfer Jurgen Boon is currently in the lead of the new Stableford Ranking list!

Click here for more information about Jurgen.

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