Meet the newest member of our crew: Michel!

Meet the newest member of our crew: Michel!

As of the 1st of December 2018 the Vicair family has been expanded, the sales team once again welcomes a new member now that Michel has joined their crew.

Michel will pick up a role as International Account Manager and is available for support and sales related matters. He is keen to dive into the world of Vicair and will spent his first months exploring the international market by learning about the different challenges our distributors face and tackling them together.

Bringing an abundance of passion for creating growth markets for products he believes in, Michel is confident that great things can be achieved when you work closely together, share knowledge and never stop learning from one another.

Michel is a familiar face in the Vicair family as he shares a common passion with several of Vicair’s team members: sailing. He already supported Vicair in making the AllRounder O2 sailing photo shoot possible, he even makes a few cameos in our making of video! It’s a great show of his character as we know him, being a great support as he sailed along. We are very happy to have him ‘on board’ and well… if you ever want to give your AllRounder O2 a test run on a boat, you know who can hook you up.

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