Vicair actief



The WheelchairSkillsTeam is a foundation with the aim of making a positive impact in the independence of physically disabled people of all ages. They also want to work on improving the perceived image of people with disabilities in society. They do this by giving wheelchair skills training to children and adults, providing guest classes, workshops & clinics, giving lectures and presentations and by organizing and participating in events.

Supporting wheelchair users and raising awareness in society

The WheelchairSkillsTeam’s mission is to support wheelchair users and to raise awareness in society so that everyone can participate and contribute equally. The team is committed to teaching wheelchair users both mental and physical skills that they can use in everyday life. They also work to make non-wheelchair users aware of the limitations of wheelchair users, but they also want to show them (all) the possibilities.

WheelchairSkillsTeam Sponsoring Vicair

Supporting wheelchair users is something the WheelchairSkillsTeam and Vicair have in common, which is why we are proud sponsor of this good initiative and are we happy to contribute and help where needed.

An up-to-date agenda of the WheelchairSkillsTeam activities can be found here (website only available in Dutch).

Have you become enthusiastic about the WheelchairSkillsTeam and would you like to contribute to this great cause? Then you can donate here (website only available in Dutch).

Vicair Wheelchair Cushion Innovation

Which wheelchair cushion suits you best?

Use our wheelchair cushion selection tool and find out

Start the test

man sitting on the ground with Vicair AllRounder O2 cushion

Activity cushion Vicair AllRounder O2

Feel protected and secure during activities outside of your wheelchair!
