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User Manuals & Product Brochures of the Vicair products

Would you like to read or share Vicair product information? On this User manuals & brochures page you can download our product brochures or request our complete Vicair catalogue. Of course more technical documentation is available for download as well. In the User Manual section you can read and download information about how to install, use and maintain the Vicair wheelchair cushions. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us for further support.

User Manuals Vicair products

In this section you will find the user manuals of the Vicair wheelchair seat cushions, wheelchair back systems and mattresses. To open these files use Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Click here to go to the Vicair product brochure section below.

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Vicair O2 Range Brochure

To give you as a distributer extra support, we developed a special brochure for the Vicair O2 range. In this brochure we highlight the four different Vicair O2 products; the Adjuster O2Vector O2Active O2 and the Allrounder O2. These products are developed to give optimal protection and maximum freedom in the everyday functionality of the wheelchair user. Of course the unique features, like fully machine washable and 100% breathability, are promoted in the brochure.

It is possible to change it into your desired languages as well. Are you interested in using the new brochure or changing it into your language? Please get in contact via

Vicair Wheelchair Cushion Innovation

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