We are curious to hear your opinion!

Survey Vicair AllRounder O2 2024

Thank you in advance for filling out our survey! The survey is about the Vicair AllRounder O2, our activity cushion for use outside the wheelchair.

Don’t know the Vicair AllRounder O2 (yet)? Absolutely no problem! Even then we would really appreciate it if you would help us fill out the survey. During the survey we will tell you more about the Vicair AllRounder O2.

The survey will take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. The survey is completely anonymous (unless you choose to leave your details at the end of the survey)!

Do you have questions about the survey? If so, please be sure to contact us by emailing marketing@vicair.com.

Thank you very much in advance for your participation!

Purpose of the survey

For several years, we have been selling the Vicair AllRounder O2. The activity cushion is used by many different people in various activities. But we are not yet aware of all the activities for which the cushion is used. We are also very curious what people who don’t know about the cushion (yet) think about the idea of having an activity cushion. Other questions we would like to get a better answer to are, whether the cushion is only used by a specific target group and whether any product modifications are desired. So your answers are very useful for us to improve the cushion and position it well on the market.

Vicair Wheelchair Cushion Innovation

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