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Testimonial Fleur Krom – Vicair Active O2

Wheelchair Cushion Vicair Active O2 testimonial

“I have OI and have been in an electric wheelchair since I was 5 years old. I don’t know any better, these are my legs”

My name is Fleur and I was born with a disability. I have Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), also known as ‘brittle bone disease’. OI is a rare connective tissue disorder and is characterized by extremely fragile bones that break (fracture) easily. Since I was 5 years old I have been in an electric wheelchair and I don’t know any better, these are my legs.

Vicair Active O2 wheelchair cushion Testimonial

“I might be disabled, but also very positive and active”

For years, I played E-hockey (Electric wheelchair hockey). At the moment, I work 20 hours a week as a doctor’s assistant for a general practice in Badhoevedorp, a city in the Netherlands. I also volunteer for the VOI, the patients association of OI in the Netherlands. I provide patients with information and do PR-work. Besides my work and volunteering, I am also a very proud aunt to the two daughters of my sister and I really enjoy that.

“During the Supportbeurs I sat on a Vicair wheelchair cushion, I was sold immediately”

I have always had a wheelchair with an attached seat cushion, until 6 years ago when I got serious pain in my back because of it. During the Supportbeurs I sat on a Vicair cushion and I was sold immediately. It was difficult to request a new wheelchair, because the one I was in was supposedly not old enough to be replaced. Luckily, my occupational therapist was able to help me out and the whole process still went fast. She knew Vicair very well and was also very enthusiastic about the Vicair wheelchair cushions.

User testimonial Vicair Active O2

“The fact that the Vicair Active O2 adjusts itself again and again to my body is a great advantage, because I tend to move a lot”

Now I sit on a Vicair Active O2 for 1,5 years and I’m still very happy with it! When you have to sit all day, like I do, it’s important that you’re in a good position. For me that’s extra crucial because of my back. The advantage of a Vicair wheelchair cushion is that it keeps adjusting to your body. I tend to move a lot, so that is very important for me.

I recommend the Vicair wheelchair cushions to everyone. They adapt to your body and it is also very nice that these wheelchair cushions can be washed in the washing machine!

– Fleur Krom

Vicair Wheelchair Cushion Innovation

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