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Testimonial Hidde Hoonhout - Vicair Vector O2

Rolstoelgebruiker - Vicair Vector O2

My name is Hidde Hoonhout. Seventeen years ago, at the age of 17, I was in a bus accident that caused a spinal cord injury.

For years, I have been searching for a suitable wheelchair cushion. I have post-traumatic scoliosis, which results in a pelvic tilt. Flat cushions exacerbate the misalignment in my back, leading to more back problems. Gel cushions allow my pelvis to shift as it pleases, but the gel gets pushed to one side, causing pressure sores. I thought I had found a solution with an air cushion (ROHO), but unfortunately, my three cats love sitting in my chair when I’m not in it, which resulted in constant leaks.

Kat in rolstoel - Vicair

Fortunately, I came across the Vicair stand at an fair in the Netherlands (Veine Dagen). Here, I was able to try out different cushions and immediately fell for the Vicair Vector O2. Thanks to the various compartments filled with small individual air pouches (SmartCells), I can adjust the balance of the cushion myself, allowing me to compensate for my pelvic tilt without developing pressure sores. The cushion provides stability without relying on a shell, which, in my experience, deforms over time. And this cushion doesn’t leak! Not even with three cats that love to lie on it.

Also important, this cushion ventilates significantly better than most anti-decubitus cushions I have had so far, so the seat doesn’t get clammy even in warm weather. Additionally, the cushion weighs almost nothing, which is always nice in a lightweight, manually operated wheelchair. After a 17-year search and at least eight different cushions, I have found the ideal cushion for me.

– Hidde Hoonhout

Vicair Wheelchair Cushion Innovation

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