Testimonial Yasmin Nilson – Vicair Adjuster O2

Yasmin with her wheelchair and Vicair wheelchair cushion

“The wheelchair and cushion are a part of my body, they are an extension of myself.”

I was fifteen years old and after summer I would finally enter dance school. I would devote the rest of my life to what was already consuming my life – dance. Then life took a dive.

I had an diving accident which literally crushed my life. In a split second, my bright future as a dancer was deleted. I could no longer use my body as a tool in order to express myself. The control that I had of every little muscle in my body was lost. But I survived.

Dance raised me and made me the person that I am today. Dance taught me to work hard in order to achieve my goals. Dance taught me how to be independent and to manage life. I will always be a dancer in my soul and heart.

My mind was set to find new goals in life. Art in all its forms has always been a big part of my life and both my parents were artists. I needed to find new ways and tools to express myself with. Today I’m an entrepreneur and work as a journalist, media and podcast producer and motivational speaker. I’m wholeheartedly engaged in the issues of equality, diversity and inclusion.

In my podcast Soluret (The Sundial), I interview people from all walks of life. My previous podcast, Timglaset (The Hourglass), was awarded the prestigious Stil Prize Hjärter Ess (Ace of Hearts). In Timglaset I interviewed people with disabilities with riveting life stories.

Excerpt from the jury’s motivation:
”This year’s laureates provide deep insights into life stories otherwise mostly overlooked in media, or just flickering by as short notices. By giving a voice to the people concerned and giving them time to tell their stories themselves, this year’s laureates direct a spotlight on lives previously close on invisible to the public eye. For thus having made the world a bit larger, Yasmin Nilsson and Max Arehn, producers of Timglaset Pod, are awarded the Hjärter Ess award 2016.”

In 2012, I published my autobiography, Yasmin – När livet störtdök, in Swedish. The book became widely and favourably reviewed in media. My autobiography, about regaining my life after the accident, is now available in English, as When Life Took a Dive on Amazon.

Being a journalist and public person it’s important for me to be and feel representable. I want to be my best self at all times. In order to feel like my best self, my Küschall KSL wheelchair together with my Vicair Adjuster O2 cushion are essential. The performance is equal important as the design. The wheelchair and cushion are a part of my body, they are an extension of myself. As a dancer it was crucial to have full control of every little muscle, now It’s crucial to have full control of my aid. It gives me the freedom and self-esteem to be myself.

"It’s only the past three months I’ve been using the Vicair Adjuster O2 cushion and I’m asking myself why I didn’t try it sooner?!!"

I’ve been a wheelchair user for 23 years and thus have experience from using different types of wheelchairs and cushions. It’s only the past three months I’ve been using the Vicair Adjuster O2 cushion and I’m asking myself why I didn’t try it sooner?!! I’ve got a small scolioses which obviously affects my sitting position. Thanks to the SmartCells I can compensate my position from one side to another in order to sit more straight and gain a better balance. When I sat in my old cushion the legs tended to go to one side all the tIme, but with the Vicair Adjuster O2 they are more steady and stays where I want them to be. The same goes with my feet and don’t need to fix the position anymore. The tilted seat on my KSL wheelchair also gives me better balance being a C5 quadriplegic.

Now I can be my best self. I have the self confidence to be representable in my work role and daily life. With self confidence comes freedom, the freedom to be who I am.

– Yasmin Nilson

Original testimonial: Invacare Sweden

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